
Ilias Konteas

New joint Executive Director EMMA & ENPA

The European Newspaper Publishers’ Association (ENPA) and the European Magazine Media Association (EMMA) is pleased to announce the appointment of Ilias Konteas as joint Executive Director of the two associations, who is assuming the position as of today, 1st October 2018.

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FIPP Rising Stars in media: talent gezocht

Have you made a significant impact to your media business within the last 12 months? Have you demonstrated outstanding talent or innovative initiative? Is there a member of your team, under the age of 35 who you think deserves international recognition?

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Update MMA Magazine Media Factbook

Magazinemerken blijven zichzelf opnieuw uitvinden. Hoewel hun vorm en kanalen door de jaren heen zijn aangepast en geëvolueerd, is de essentie hetzelfde gebleven: een pakhuis aan informatie en inspiratie, waar zorgvuldig samengestelde content centraal staat. De nieuwste update van het MMA Magazine Media Factbook onthult de meest recente cijfers en…

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