Digital Innovators’ Summit 2020 uitgesteld
VDZ & FIPP, de organisatoren van de Digital Innovators’ Summit (DIS), hebben vandaag bekend gemaakt dat DIS 2020 als gevolg van de COVID-19 uitbraak zal worden uitgesteld tot september 2020. De summit zal online gehouden worden van 2 t/m 30 september, gelijktijdig zal ook het FIPP World Congress georganiseerd worden.
De FIPP/VDZ Digital Innovators’ Summit in Berlijn stond gepland voor dinsdag 24 maart en woensdag 25 maart 2020. Dit jaarlijkse congres wordt door de internationale magazine mediaorganisatie FIPP en de Duitse branchevereniging VDZ georganiseerd. Gedurende twee dagen komen ruim 250 toonaangevende personen uit de internationale mediawereld bijeen om zich te laten informeren over de nieuwste digitale ontwikkelingen, media businessmodellen en multimediale strategieën.
Lees onderstaand het officiële statement van de organisatie:
Announcement: 43rd FIPP World Media Congress 2020 & FIPP/VDZ Digital Innovators’ Summit goes online
The FIPP World Media Congress is going online for the first time in its 95-year-old history, running over four weeks from 2-30 September 2020.
The month-long online Congress replaces the physical event that was planned for Estoril, Portugal on 15-16 September this year. Whilst they still believes in the attractiveness of such events in the future, FIPP and the FIPP board believe it is the right decision not to expose delegates to international travel and a conference held in a confined space at this time.
The Virtual FIPP World Media Congress will include:
– FIPP Congress speaker programme
– The incorporation of a Digital Innovators’ Summit 2020 (DIS) speaker programme
– The return of the Worldwide Media Marketplace (WMM)
– FIPP and UPM Rising Stars and FIPP and UPM Insight Awards
How it will work
Congress 2020 will differ from the regular, physical events in some significant ways:
– Instead of running the programme over two days as usually is the case with the Congress, FIPP will break sessions into standalone slots spread over the full four weeks of running the conference. In total, they will have conversations with some 80 international speakers.
– Participants will be able to pick and choose the sessions they want to attend live over the four weeks. They will be able to submit questions before each session, and ask questions live.
– If they have signed up for the full Congress, they will get access to:
> Recordings of all sessions, even those they could not attend;
> Presentation slides, where made available by speakers;
> Features, special reports and “how-to” case studies from the event; and
> WMM meetings platform, which FIPP will keep open for three months, meaning ample opportunities for participants to book dedicated one-to-one meetings to discuss and do business.
Speaker programme, meetings and awards
Over the period 2-30 September, the 43rd FIPP World Media Congress will have activities at fixed intervals from Monday through to Friday, meaning several options for participants to choose from each week. Be they sitting in on speaker presentations or conversations, attending a WMM product demonstration or panel conversation, booking meetings with other participants or joining us for virtual award ceremonies.
Congress and DIS speaker channels:
– The Congress channel will focus on the big questions facing media today — challenges, opportunities, and the strategies to deal with them.
– The DIS channel will focus on digital innovations in the media landscape at a time where an array of businesses, not only in media, have had to pivot working and engaging almost entirely online.
WMM will consist of a speaker channel and a meetings platform:
– The WMM channel will feature publishers and service providers (our “WMM exhibitors”) speaking slots, where our exhibitors will showcase their offers.
– Along with attending the speaking slots, people will be able to book one-to-one virtual meetings using our Dealroom-powered WMM meetings platform to discuss doing business.
FIPP and UPM Rising Stars and Insight Awards:
– Finally, FIPP will present the winners of the FIPP Insight and the FIPP Rising Stars Awards during Congress 2020. They will be carrying a variety of content and showcasing winners from both Awards throughout the event. Full details of how to enter will be announced shortly.